
December 17, 2021

Rarity Values

We've added a page showing current rarity values for:   nature, animal, color, date and aspect attributes.

Visit our new   NFT Charm Attribute Rarity Values   page.

December 15, 2021

Our 2nd Article on Medium

Review our second article posted on titled:   Non-Art Tokens (All the other NFTs)

December 14, 2021

Article on Medium

Review our first article posted on titled:   Two Automatic Discounts on NFTs

December 13, 2021

1000 Charms on

There are now 1000 charms uploded to the marketplace.  Use the pages on this website to search for specific charms or find charms based on facets, power, lucky numbers or other criteria.

December 10, 2021

Even More Charms on

Over 700 charms have now been uploded to the marketplace.

December 8, 2021

More Charms on

The first 200 charms have been uploded to the marketplace!

Charms numbered #1 through #25 have special collector's pricing from E1.00 (#1) to E0.05 (#25). All other charms are priced (in Ethereum) between E0.002 and E0.02 depending on their strength value.

December 7, 2021

Charms on

The first 50 charms have been uploded to the marketplace!

Charms numbered #1 through #25 will have special collector's pricing, but all other charms will be priced (in Ethereum) between E0.002 and E0.02 depending on their strength value.

A button link to the specific charm will also be listed along with the charm on other pages of this website.  Look for the "Bid/Buy" button link displayed with the charm information.

November 23, 2021

Charm Image Update

We've issued a pre-launch update to the charm image, from:


Remember the charm is not the graphic file, the charm is the existance of the idea of the charm.  The image is just a visual representation of the charm.  The charm image is helpful in invoking the power of the charm.

We've also introduced a square image of the charm information:

View samples of all images and sizes.

November 20, 2021


We are currently in our pre-initial-drop phase.  We anticpate the first drop of 2000 - 6000 NFT Charms within the next week or two.

Random charms will be forged from these categories:

activities - betting, games, sports, travel
business - finance, market, operations, relationships
social relationships - colleagues, friends, mate, pets
sports teams - by mascot, city
wealth - art, autos, crypto, stocks
work - jobs and careers

Charms will have randomly assigned strengths from 5 to 20 - with initial power levels from 15 to 100.